Dr. Motao (Matt) Zhu, Courtesy faculty of Division of Epidemiology, is seeking a study coordinator. Dr. Zhu is a professor of pediatrics and epidemiology at OSU. He is further a principal investigator at the Center for Injury Research and Policy (CIRP) at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Dr. Zhu teaches PUBHEPI 6432 Injury Epidemiology, and mentor master’s and doctoral students at OSU CPH. CIRP is one of nine Injury Control Research Centers funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
• Provide direct support to a National Institute of Health funded study on cell phone use while driving (R01: Randomized trial on mobile technology to reduce young drivers’ cellphone use)
• Provide direct support to various research projects in transportation safety or drug use disorders
• You will be responsible for:
o Recruiting study participants
o Administering questionnaires and interviews
o Managing study timelines and ensuring IRB compliance
• Graduate or undergraduate degree with a major in public health or related field
• Experience in participant recruitment is preferred but not required
How should students apply
• To apply please contact: sydney.gerber@nationwidechildrens.org
• Please include the following materials
o Resume
o Transcript of classes taken (official transcript not necessary)
o A writing sample form a course project, practicum, or thesis
Number of students you are requesting
What semester are you requesting an Applied Practice Experience Student(s)?