Nature's Filter: Do the wetlands of Lake Erie keep contaminants out of the lake?
Dr. Lee was invited for Distinguished Lecture Series, 2013-2014 Moonlight on the March Everglades Wetland Research Park in Naples, Florida.
Tyler Gorham received the University Fellowship for his graudate study. Congratulations!
Tsung-Ta David Hsu received the OARDC Graduate Seed Grant. He will use this grant for studying the ecosystem service of Olentangy River Wetlands in reducing microbial pathogens. Congratulations!
- Chongtao Ge received Quality Assurance Division Travel Scholarship from Institute of Food Technologists (IFT). He also received Food Innovation Center Travel Award. With these awards, Chongtao will present his Salmonella reserach at the IFT meeting. Congratulations!
- Feng Zhang received the award from Clinic on Dynamical Approaches to Infectious Disease Data (DAID) from NIH. With this award, Feng will attend University of Florida for a short course in December 2012.
- Chris Rea received the Grauduate Award from National Science Foundation's Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease Program. With this award, Chris will attend pre-conference workshop of next-generation metagenomics and present at EcoHealth Conference in Kunming, China in October, 2012.
- Chris Rea received Ray Travel Award. With this award, Chris will present his study at the American Society for Microbiology General Meeting.
- February 2012, Postdoctoral Position:A postdoctoral position is available at the Environmental Microbiology Laboratory at The Ohio State University to investigate the harmful algal bloom and enteric microbial contamination in freshwater environment. The successful candidate should have recently completed her/his PhD in an area related to molecular environmental microbiology and/or environmental science. A desirable candidate should have good experience in molecular microbiology, bioinformatics and general understanding about aquatic environment. Highly motivated individuals able to work in groups and wanted to develop independence are particularly encouraged to apply. The trainee will benefit from a dynamic and very productive interdisciplinary environment.
Interested candidates should send curriculum vitae, cover letter outlining research interests, and names and contact information of three references to Dr. Jiyoung Lee at jlee@cph.osu.edu.
Welcome Prof. Moussa Ndong from the University of Gaston Berger, Senegal. Dr. Ndong is visiting our lab for the Autumn 2011.
- December 2011: Dr. Lee and her collaborators won the US EPA STAR grant to study the impact of extreme weather events on cyanobacteria and drinking water quality in Lake Erie.
- December 2011: Dr. Lee won the grant studying ‘rapid detection of microcystin and the factors affecting cyanotoxin production in Ohio inland beaches’ from Ohio Water Development Authority.
- December 2011: Dr. Lee’s group developed a new seabird genetic marker that can target fecal contamination from seabirds (e.g. sea gulls) in water. The specificity and sensitivity of the newly developed marker is excellent and has been validated with multiple research groups. The invention was filed.
- April 2011: Dr. Lee won a grant from Lake Erie Protection Fund to study Arcobacter and human entero virus and adenovirus in Lake Erie beaches.
- June 2011: Congratulations to Vanessa Burrowes who received Undergraduate Student Government Academic Enrichment Grant for presenting the Mirror Lake study at the American Society for Microbiology General Meeting in New Orleans.
- July 2010: Dr. Lee received a grant from US EPA GLRI (Great Lakes Restoration Initiative). The project title is “Innovative Rapid Identification of Lake Erie Fecal Sources”.
- July 2010: Congratulations to Eunyoung Park who won the finalist for student competition in Biotechnology Division at IFT Annual Meeting for the presentation about rapid detection of spores contamination in water, beverage and power with ATP luminescence and real-time PCR.
- June 2010: Big congratulations to Jason Marion who received Board of Trustees Student Recognition Award.
- January 2010: Dr. Lee won a grant from Lake Erie Protection Fund to develop a new human-specific IMS/ATP method and compare its relationship with qPCR.
- 2010: Congratulations to Vanessa Burrowes, an undergraduate researcher who won the Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund to study Mirror Lake jump and its impact on ecological and human health.
2009 and Before
- 2009: Congratulations to Vanessa Burrowes, an undergraduate researcher who won the Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund to study microbial contamination from failed septic tanks and its impact on water safety in Olentangy River.