Epidemiology: Course Descriptions


Course Number


Credits: 3

Epidemiology in Public Health

The course will cover the principles and procedures in the field of epidemiology, with a focus on the application of the principles of epidemiology.
GEN theme health and well-being course.

Prerequisites: none
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Credits: 1‐6

Individual Studies in Epidemiology

Individual studies in Epidemiology focusing on applied topics.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
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Credits: 3

Honors Case Studies in Public Health

This is an advanced undergraduate course in epidemiology that is designed for Honors students in Public Health or a related field. Students will learn about how epidemiology is used in the field of Public Health through a case study approach.

Prerequisites: Honors standing, and 2410.
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Credits: 3

Public Health Field Investigation

This course provides an applied study in investigating and responding to outbreaks, disasters, and other acute public health events.
GEN theme health and well-being course.

Prerequisites: None
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Credits: 3

Conceptual Foundations of Social Epidemiology

This is an advanced undergraduate course in epidemiology that focuses on how social factors, including (but not limited to) education, neighborhood context, economic instability, and structural and institutional racism are related to various population health outcomes. Students will learn theories that inform how social determinants of health are measured, and how epidemiologists use these measures to identify determinants of disease and ill health among populations, especially historically marginalized and underserved groups.

Prerequisites: PUBHEPI 2410 or permission of instructor
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Credits: 3

Injury: A Public Health Problem

This introductory course in injury prevention & control is designed primarily for upper‐division undergraduates. Students will be exposed to/learn to develop skills such as summarizing research findings, translating & communicating these findings to an identified audience, & utilizing policy & advocacy for initiating public health change as it relates to injury prevention and control.

Prerequisites: 2410, and PubHHBP 3510; or permission of instructor.
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Credits: 3

Cancer Epidemiology

This is an introductory course in cancer epidemiology designed specifically for undergraduate students.

Prerequisites: PUBHEPI 2410
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Credits: 3

Global Epidemiology of Infectious Disease

This course is designed to provide students with an overview of the principles and practices of infectious diseases epidemiology with focus on how the presence and control of communicable diseases affects public health locally, nationally, and internationally.

Prerequisites: None.
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Credits: 3

Mathematics of Infectious Disease Dynamics

Provides an introduction to mathematical modeling of infectious diseases, including techniques for building and analyzing disease models, and discussions of calibration and comparison of models with data. This course is intended for graduate students in public health or other related disciplines and for upper level undergraduate and graduate mathematics students.

Prerequisites: Math 1152, 1172, or 153; or permission of instructor.
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Credits: 3

Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology

Introduction to the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease; risk factors, specific diseases, diagnostic procedures; review of
classic and current studies.

Prerequisites: 2410, 6410, or 6430; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 817.
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Credits: 3

Principles of Epidemiology

Introduction to the nature and scope of epidemiology; survey of basic epidemiological methods and their application to selected acute and chronic health problems. For non‐majors.

Prerequisites: Not open to students with credit for 6430.
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Credits: 3

Biological Basis of Public Health

Molecular and epidemiologic evidence of biological mechanisms in major diseases of concern for public health.

Prerequisites: Grad standing in Public Health, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 704.
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Credits: 2

Basic Principles in Clinical and Translational Science

Identification of clinical and translational research issues, assessment of the literature, ethically responsible research, cross‐disciplinary training and mentoring.

Prerequisites: Enrollment in MPH‐CTS program, or permission of instructor.
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Credits: 2

Conducting and Communicating Research in Clinical and Translational Science

Design and writing of protocol, study methods and implementation, community engagement, informatics, translational teamwork. Scientific communication skills and
dissemination of clinical and translational science.

Prerequisites: Enrollment in MPH‐CTS program, or permission of instructor.
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Credits: 3

Nutrition in Public Health

Relationships between dietary intake and diseases affecting the
public health.

Prerequisites: PUBHEPI 6410 or 6430 or PUBHLTH 6001 or permission of instructor.
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Credits: 3

Design & Implementation of Health Surveys

Introduction to health survey methods, with public health applications.

Prerequisites: PUBHEPI 6410 or 6430, or PUBHLTH 6001 or permission of instructor.
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Credits: 2

Injury Epidemiology

Introduction to injury epidemiology; historical context, trends, research methods and issues; survey of areas of injury
epidemiology and prevention.

Prerequisites: 6410 or 6430, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 714.
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Credits: 3

Chronic Disease Epidemiology

Survey of the epidemiology of chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and neurodegenerative

Prerequisites: 6410 or 6430, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 814.
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Credits: 3

Infectious Disease Epidemiology

Introduction to the epidemiology of infectious diseases, with focus on basic methods for investigation, control, and prevention of communicable disease.

Prerequisites: PUBHEPI 6410 or 6430 or PUBHLTH 6001, or permission of instructor.
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Credits: 3

Cancer Epidemiology

Epidemiology of cancer, including etiology, risk factors, neoplastic processes, screening, control; application of statistical methods; molecular genetic basis of carcinogenesis.

Prerequisites: PUBHEPI 6410 or 6430 or PUBHLTH 6001, or permission of instructor.
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Credits: 3

Reproductive and Perinatal Epidemiology

Epidemiology of reproductive and perinatal health and
methodologic challenges unique to this area.

Prerequisites: PUBHLTH 6001 or PUBHEPI 6410.
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Credits: 3

Epidemiology of Women's Health

Overview of issues related to women's health from epidemiological and behavioral perspectives.

Prerequisites: PUBHEPI 6410 or 6430, or PUBHLTH 6001 or permission of instructor.
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Credits: 3

Methods in Social Epidemiology

Social and structural contributors to the distribution of health and disease in populations with emphasis on measurement and methodological challenges

Prerequisites: PUBHEPI 4410 or 6410 or 6430 or PUBHLTH 6001: and Grad standing, or permission of instructor
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Credits: 1‐6

Individual Studies in Epidemiology

Individual Studies in Epidemiology.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
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Credits: 1‐3

Group Studies in Epidemiology

Group Studies in Epidemiology.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
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Credits: 4

Epidemiology II

Design of epidemiologic studies including cross‐sectional studies, case‐control studies, cohort studies, clinical trials, and
group‐randomized trials.

Prerequisites: PUBHLTH 6001 or PUBHEPI 6430, or permission of instructor.
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Credits: 3

Epidemiology in Environmental Health

Principles and application of epidemiologic methods in the investigation and control of health problems stemming from
environmental hazards

Prerequisites: 6430, or permission of instructor.
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Credits: 3

Principles and Procedures for Human Clinical Trials

Principles and procedures for clinical professionals in the design, conduct and analysis of human clinical trials.

Prerequisites: Prereq or concur PUBHEPI 7410 and PUBHBIO 6211, or permission of instructor.
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Credits: 4

Epidemiology III

Analysis and interpretation of data from case‐control and cohort studies and from clinical trials.

Prerequisites: PUBHEPI 7410 and PUBHBIO 6211, or permission of instructor.
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Credits: 3

Epidemiologic Methods

Critique and justification for methods of designing, analyzing and interpreting epidemiological data; social, historical and philosophical foundations of epidemiologic methods.

Prerequisites: PUBHEPI 7410 and PUBHBIO 6211, or permission of instructor.
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Credits: 1‐6

Topics of Epidemiology

Regular class on topics that are relevant to students enrolled in
programs in the Division of Epidemiology.

Prerequisites: Enrollment in Public Health, Grad standing, and permission of instructor.
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Credits: 3

Phytochemicals in Human Health: Crops to the Clinic

Covers the function and control of phytochemicals in plants, the function of phytochemicals in human health, delivery of phytochemicals through foods in the diet, strategies when designing studies examining foods for health, and policy and
sustainability considerations.

Prerequisites: Biochem 4511 (511) or 5613 (613), or equiv; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for FdScTe 7810.
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Credits: 1

Integrative Learning Experience (ILE) Project Seminar

The goal of this course is to facilitate students through the process of developing their ILE. By the end of the semester, it is expected that students will have submitted their ILE proposals and literature reviews, ILE project approval form (if required), and their application to the IRB and other review boards as needed.

Prerequisites: Enrollment in MPH program in Epidemiology.
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Credits: 4

Epidemiology IV

Students will gain hands‐on experience working with data from existing epidemiological studies. Through structured projects, students learn to develop appropriate research questions, and analyze, interpret, and present their results.

Prerequisites: PUBHEPI 7430 and PUBHBIO 6211, or permission of instructor.
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PUBHEPI 8899.01

Credits: 1

Professional Skills for Public Health Doctoral Students

This course is designed for first year PhD students in the Division of Epidemiology. The purpose of this course is to facilitate your professional development. The course focuses on goal setting, mentorship, scientific writing, and oral presentations.

Prerequisites: None
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PUBHEPI 8899.02

Credits: 2

Doctoral Seminar in Epidemiology: Teaching Methods

Seminar for doctoral students in epidemiology with a focus on
teaching methods.

Prerequisites: Enrollment in PhD program.
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PUBHEPI 8899.03

Credits: 1

Epidemiology - History, Social Context, and Ethics

This course is designed for first year PhD students in the Division of Epidemiology. The purpose of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the history of epidemiology, including its development to its current form. The course will provide examples of the importance of social constructs and social context to epidemiology. Key transition points in the history of public health and epidemiology will be highlighted.

Prerequisites: None
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PUBHEPI 8899.04

Credits: 1

Research Questions and Study Design in Epidemiology

This course is designed for second year PhD students in the Division of Epidemiology, more advanced students are also encourage to attend. The purpose of this course is to assist students in identifying research questions and considering appropriate study designs for the research question. The course will use readings, both historical and current, to emphasize key points about study design. Sources of bias will also be discussed. Students will apply these concepts to studies in their own substantive areas.

Prerequisites: PhD Epi students only or permission of instructor.
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PUBHEPI 8899.05

Credits: 1

Applications of Advanced Methods in Epidemiology

This course is designed for second year PhD students in the Division of Epidemiology; more advanced students are also encouraged to attend. The purpose of this course is to examine contemporary methods in epidemiology and understand their appropriate applications. The course will use readings, both historical and current, to introduce methods and their application. Selected papers will include methods descriptions and applications of the selected methods. Sources of bias will also be discussed. Selected topics are expected to vary from one year to the next. Students will consider how the methods could be used in their own substantive areas.

Prerequisites: None.
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