Present Insights and Future Visions: Policing, Public Health and Paths Towards Healing

When: -

Where: Virtual

This CPH-sponsored talk, which includes Dean Amy Fairchild and Assistant Dean Jennifer Beard, brings together artists, activists, police and public health experts to explore actions and initiatives that are moving us toward progress and healing following the city's declaration of racism as a public health crisis and the demonstrations that called for accountability in our unjust systems and the reimagining of these structures.

Street art, courtesy OSU Libraries and Wexner Center for the Arts

In the wake of the murder of George Floyd in May of 2020 and subsequent protests against police brutality and systemic racism, the Greater Columbus Arts Council (GCAC) and the Columbus Association for the Performing Arts (CAPA) tapped Columbus-based artists to paint murals on the plywood used to cover broken windows at the Ohio Theatre and Arts Council offices. More than 200 murals were subsequently created throughout the city illustrating expressions of grief, hope, demands for change, and tributes to victims in central Ohio and around the country.

Re-presenting murals made during the uprising on Ohio State’s campus this fall reminds us that public art can provide necessary visibility and generate dialogue around urgent issues of our time. Present Insights and Future Visions: Policing, Public Health, and Paths Towards Healing brings together artists, activists, police, and public health experts to consider how the people of Columbus can sustain the pursuit of true structural change while supporting care and healing in our communities. The panel will address questions such as who is heard, who is seen?  What actions and initiatives are moving us toward progress, safety and healing? Following the city of Columbus’s declaration that racism is a public health crisis in June of 2020 and the demonstrations that called for accountability in our unjust systems and the reimagining of these structures, where do things stand now? What has changed? This dynamic discussion will provide opportunities for audience participation, input, and resource sharing.


Amy Fairchild, Dean and Professor, College of Public Health at Ohio State

David Harewood, Theater artist. Original member of the People’s Justice Project. Co-founder of the Columbus Police Accountability Project

Melissa McFadden, Lieutenant, Columbus Police. Author of Walking the Thin Black Line: Confronting Racism in the Columbus Division of Police

Lisa McLymont, Visual artist, graphic designer, social justice advocate, educator

Moderator: Jennifer Beard, Assistant Dean, Strategic Initiatives and Co-Chair of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence, College of Public Health at Ohio State

FREE event! Registration required: