Making a Welcome Video

Best practice in online course design involves including both an Instructor Introduction video and a Course Introduction video. These introduction videos satisfy Quality Matters rubric standards listed in the parenthesis below. They are also a great way for students to form a connection with the course instructor and each other, as well as become familiar with the course.

Sample Script

Step-by-Step Guide

Important things to include in your welcome video:

Introduction of Instructor (1.4)
Introduction of course description and major learning objectives (1.2)
Introduction to components of the course – including clarification of student responsibilities for online or hybrid deliveries (1.2)
Prerequisite knowledge in discipline and minimum preparation (1.6)
Clear instructions for how to get started in the course and where to find various components (1.1)
Students being asked to introduce themselves (1.5)

Options for recording:

Recording your video does not have to be complicated, nor does it require a lot of high-tech, expensive equipment; a smart phone with a decent camera will work just fine.
To create your video you will need:

  • A recording device
    • Smart phone or mobile device that has
      • Built-in webcam
      • Microphone
  • Computer
      • USB or built-in webcam
      • Microphone (built-in or external)
  • Good source of light
  • Quiet room
  • A solid backdrop (or solid wall)

Reusable Versus Disposable Video Asset

I strongly recommend creating a reusable video asset, particularly if you teach a course more than once a year or with multiple sections. By creating one quality video that can be reused across multiple courses you will save yourself time by not having to create multiple or last-minute videos. Also, you can shoot once on a really “good hair day.”

When you make your reusable video, make sure to avoid:

  • Any mention of specific course name or number in the Instructor Introduction
  • Any mention of specific term or course dates (or any dates, really.)
  • Any mention of specific details that may apply to only one iteration of a course
  • The introduction videos should not be a regurgitation of the syllabus.



I have created a Sample Script for Welcome Video that you may use to help you create your video. Feel free to use and modify this to your liking. Click here for the sample script.


Please refer to the step-by-step guide I have created to help you get started making videos. Click here for the step-by-step guide.


Check out this welcome video:

Adapted from materials on, This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.