
Steven Mentz  
HR Consultant

Amy Malone  
Human Resources Business Partner

HR and payroll inquiries should be directed to HR Connection, Ohio State’s shared services operation and primary point of contact for HR and payroll needs. HR Connection provides support for employee inquiries across the areas of benefits, compensation, employee and labor relations, talent, and payroll. The contact information is provided below. In addition, employees can leverage Compass, a digital home for Ohio State information.

HR Connection: 
HR Connection Portal Phone: (614) 247-myHR (6947)  

Report an incident to The Office of University Compliance and Integrity

Report an incident to Compliance and Integrity

The link above points to a form on The Office of University Compliance and Integrity website. This form is used to report sexual harassment, attempted or completed sexual violence, stalking, intimate partner or dating violence, or discrimination based on sex in a university program or activity. If you or someone you know has been the victim of any of these, you are encouraged to bring it to the attention of the Title IX Coordinator and/or other university official. In an emergency call 9-1-1 or the OSU Police at (614) 292-2121 as soon as possible.

EthicsPoint - Anonymous Reporting Line
