Q&A: Charles R. Carroll’s legacy in public health

Charles R. Carroll in gown and headshot

Charles R. Carroll MA '58 PHD '65 established the Charles R. Carroll and Margaret R. Carroll Scholarship Fund in 2018 because he wanted to give back to Ohio State—a place that had a profound impact on his life as both a student and a professor.  

The fund provides scholarships for College of Public Health undergraduate students. In addition to making regular contributions to the scholarship, Carrol established a planned gift that will further benefit the fund through his estate after he passes.  

Question and Answer

Why did you want to support Public Health students through a scholarship? 

I had a tremendous experience that began at The Ohio State University, and I am totally grateful. That is why I have established a scholarship there. 

There are many students who want to go to college but cannot afford it. College tuition costs are mounting, so many worthy students need help and many are not able to go to college because funds are not available. I’m trying to support the general profession of public health as well as Ohio State students. 

You make annual gifts to the scholarship you established. What made it important to also give through your estate? 

To me, that is the ideal situation. I want to give as much as possible to continue my efforts and my interests. 

I want to pass on the good works that I’ve seen others do to support me, by helping students be supported in their own education. 

What advice would you give to others who are considering making a gift through their estate? 

It is natural and normal to plan ahead. Having my wishes documented has promoted my own personal and mental health. Knowing that after I die, there will be a continuation of my effort to help other people. 

The process to set up the gift was very easy. It just took a visit to my attorney and a quick call with the Ohio State development office. 

Can you tell me why supporting public health students is important to your legacy? 

I want to help develop and expand opportunities to individuals in public health. My legacy, in a sense, is my teaching, service and research. In a way, the scholarship is continuing what I started at The Ohio State University. That is important to me. 

It is reassuring to me that my initial efforts will continue.  

How do you hope your planned gift will make a difference over the long term? 

There is a great need in the field of public health, today and in the future, to continue promoting health, preventing disease and all the other aspects that go to the maintenance of community health. It will be a continuing effort, and I just hope I can support, in a little way, that continuing effort. 

For more information about providing opportunities for future Ohio State students through your own legacy, visit the Office of Estate and Gift Planning website.