Dean Amy Fairchild talks with WOSU’s Ann Fisher about the ethical considerations of quarantines

Governments and health organizations are scrambling to contain the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, which has been blamed for nearly 2,000 deaths worldwide.

person in quarantine

Nearly 350 Americans who were evacuated from Wuhan, the Chinese city where the outbreak began, emerged Tuesday after 14 days quarantined at two military bases in California.

Hundreds of millions of people in China remain under various travel restrictions, and questions have been raised about whether the massive quarantine effort is effective or fair.

Listen to Wellness Wednesday: Quarantine Ethics


  • Monique Costello, chef, nutritionist and wellness expert
  • John McGory, Westerville English Teacher in Wuhan, now just out of quarantine in California
  • Amy Fairchild, Ph.D., dean of Ohio State’s College of Public Health and public health historian ethicist
  • Wes Crenshaw, Ph.D., licensed psychologist, board-certified in couples and family psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology


About The Ohio State University College of Public Health

The Ohio State University College of Public Health is a leader in educating students, creating new knowledge through research, and improving the livelihoods and well-being of people in Ohio and beyond. The College's divisions include biostatistics, environmental health sciences, epidemiology, health behavior and health promotion, and health services management and policy. It is ranked 29th among all colleges and programs of public health in the nation, and first in Ohio, by U.S. News and World Report. Its specialty programs are also considered among the best in the country. The MHA program is ranked 8th, the biostatistics specialty is ranked 22nd, the epidemiology specialty is ranked 25th and the health policy and management specialty is ranked 17th.