Past Events
Prospective parents can gain valuable insights and practical tips during an upcoming employee webinar about leaves of absence and benefits related to birth and adoption.
Did you know having social connections can decrease the risk of developing and worsening heart disease, anxiety, high blood pressure, dementia, depression and diabetes? And did you also know the U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy…
BIIG Collaborations is a multi-phase program designed to connect, develop and advance emerging, interdisciplinary research at the university.
Ohio State is once again partnering with the non-profit Latino Arts for Humanity to celebrate Day of the Dead Columbus. This festival is an educational, cultural and family event to remember and celebrate our loved ones who are no…
The College of Public Health is hosting a tailgate before the Ohio State v. Maryland Homecoming game. Students, staff, faculty and alumni are encouraged to attend.
Food will be provided. Buckeye spirit…
Join the Office of Knowledge Enterprise for a two-hour workshop and panel discussion designed for early- to mid-career faculty interested in developing a concrete plan for their research agenda.
Join us in celebrating faculty who have been promoted at the College of Public Health since 2020. All CPH faculty and staff are invited and encouraged to attend.
The Center for Ethics and Human Values’ CARE (Conversations About Research Ethics) presents a virtual panel on the ethics of using public social media data for research.
Learn about public health research, find opportunities to collaborate
The expo gives students the opportunity to talk one-on-one with global education experts and learn more about how to engage the world at Ohio State. Students will be able to explore programs for all majors and learn more about how…