Past Events

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Where: Virtual

Join us for a discussion with alumna Elisha Kaskiw '74, who will be speaking about the transgender community and the role of public health. 

When: -
Where: Virtual

This CPH-sponsored talk, which includes Dean Amy Fairchild and Assistant Dean Jennifer Beard, brings together artists, activists, police and public health experts to explore actions and initiatives that are moving us toward…

When: -
Where: Virtual

Dr. Sandro Galea, dean of Boston University School of Public Health and author of The Contagion Next Time, will join Dean Amy Fairchild on Monday, Nov. 15 as part of…

When: -
Where: Zoom

Dean Amy Fairchild will join the Drug Enforcement and Policy Center for a moderated discussion with Professor Keith Wailoo, author of …

When: -
Where: Cart-Driver

Are you off to Denver for APHA? 
We are!

When: -
Where: Zoom

Did you know? On average, a baby dies every other week in our community due to unsafe sleep practices. 

When: -
Where: Cunz Hall, first floor lobby

All College of Public Health students are welcome to stop by the first floor lobby of Cunz Hall on these dates and times for a free, CPH-branded mask. 

When: -
Where: Online

A conversation about health equity, the COVID-19 vaccine, and economic recovery with Dr. Aaron Carrol and Ohio State health services management and policy faculty.

When: -
Where: Online

"Community Health Implications of Ohio’s COVID-19 Response in County Jail Populations"