Faculty Research Interests

Our faculty's research interests include air pollution, environmental and occupational health, cancer, HIV/AIDS prevention, disease ecology, Bayesian inference, statistical methods for observational studies in population health, epigenetics, social determinants of health, health equity, women's health, healthcare quality metrics and tobacco control.

Photo Name Title Division Areas of Research and Study Research Interests
Olorunfemi Adetona, PhD Adetona, Olorunfemi Associate Professor Environmental Health Sciences

Air Pollution, Environmental and Occupational Health, Inhalation Toxicology, Molecular Epidemiology, Environmental Risk Assessment

Obianuju Aguolu Aguolu, Obianuju Clinical Assistant Professor Epidemiology

infectious diseases with special interests in vaccine acceptance, graphic medicine, disease modeling, and health disparity

Aly, Reem Lecturer Health Services Management and Policy
Sarah E. Anderson, PhD Anderson, Sarah E. Professor Epidemiology

understanding psychosocial influences on children's growth and development with a particular focus on childhood obesity prevention

Rebecca Andridge Andridge, Rebecca R. Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Professor Biostatistics

Developing and evaluating statistical methods for handling missing data, for assessing nonignorable selection bias, and for group-randomized trials.

Kellie Archer headshot Archer, Kellie J. Chair and Professor Biostatistics statistical methods for high-dimensional datasets, genomics, mixture cure models, ordinal response models

Statistical methods for the analysis of data from high-throughput genomic assays; Discrete and ordinal response modeling; Mixture cure models; Statistical computing; Supervised learning and data mining

ACTIVE PI-level grants:

  • R01LM013879    Penalized mixture cure models for identifying genomic features associated with outcome in acute myeloid leukemia
  • R21AI172077      Pretransplant comprehensive scores to predict long term graft outcomes  
  • R01DK109581    Assessment of Donor Quality for Improving Kidney Transplant Outcomes


Gia Barboza-Salerno Barboza-Salerno, Gia Assistant Professor, Joint Appointment, College of Social Work Health Behavior and Health Promotion

Drug overdose prevention; Child maltreatment/family violence; Advanced statistical modeling; Spatial analysis; Scholarly writing (publications); Intersection of child welfare and legal system

Micah Berman, JD Berman, Micah Stephen F. Loebs Professor in Health Services Management and Policy, Joint Appointment, College of Law Health Services Management and Policy

Public Health Law and Policy; Health Care Law and Policy; Tobacco Policy; Global Public Health

Philip Binkley, MPH, MD Binkley, Philip Professor Epidemiology
Marielle C. Brinkman Brinkman, Marielle Research Professor Epidemiology
Karen Dannemiller, PhD Dannemiller, Karen Associate Professor Environmental Health Sciences

Integration of engineering with microbiology to address emerging health challenges and environmental concerns; Phylogenetics, metagenomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics

Aram Dobalian Dobalian, Aram Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, Chair and Professor Health Services Management and Policy

Natural and manmade disasters, emergencies, and other crises; Health services research: Access and quality of health care; Health policy and health reform

Macarius Donneyong Donneyong, Macarius Associate Professor Health Services Management and Policy

Drug-drug interactions; The role of the social determinants of health factors on the effectiveness of prescribed medications; Medication outcomes among racial/ethnic minorities

El Hellani, Ahmad headshot El Hellani, Ahmad Assistant Professor Environmental Health Sciences

Environmental health, tobacco products, tobacco emissions, tobacco control, analytical chemistry, inhalation toxicology and environmental risk assessment.

Aldenise Ewing Ewing, Aldenise Assistant Professor Epidemiology

Behavioral Oncology, Cancer Prevention, Implementation Science, Community-Engaged Research, Community-Based Prevention Marketing, Community-Based System Dynamics, Social Technology, Health Disparities, Minority Health, Social Determinants of Health, Social Justice

Ashley Felix Felix, Ashley Associate Professor Epidemiology

Cancer epidemiology; women’s health; racial disparities; molecular epidemiology; screening and early detection

Amy Ferketich Ferketich, Amy K. Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, Professor Epidemiology

tobacco control: smoking cessation, tobacco use surveillance, tobacco policy, and tobacco regulatory science

HB Franchino-Olsen Franchino-Olsen, HB Faculty Fellow Health Behavior and Health Promotion

violence against children; gender-based violence; intergenerational violence transmission; polyvictimization; adolescent health; child health; quantitative methods; mixed-methods; child voice

Randall Harris, MD, PhD Harris, Randall E. Professor Epidemiology
Courtney L. Hebert Hebert, Courtney L. Associate Professor Epidemiology
Jen Hefner smiling Hefner, Jennifer Associate Professor Health Services Management and Policy

management practices, clinical informatics, program evaluation, dissemination & implementation science

Professor Armando Hoet Hoet, Armando Professor Epidemiology
Hogan, Paul Lecturer Health Services Management and Policy
C. Tory H. Hogan, PhD headshot Hogan, Tory Associate Professor Health Services Management and Policy
Darryl B. Hood, PhD Hood, Darryl B. Professor and Dean's Fellow for Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Excellence Environmental Health Sciences

Inhalation Toxicology (prenatal exposure models autism), Developmental neurobiology (somatosensory cortex), Behavioral neurobiology (development of structure-specific paradigms), Environmental and biochemical toxicology (Nitroxides, PAH’s), Dispersion modeling of PAH’s in environmental justice communities, Structural biology, protein structure and function, Environmental-exposure health assessment questionnaire development, Modeling exposures across lifetime using public health exposome approach

Robert Hood Hood, Robert B. Assistant Professor Epidemiology

Maternal & Child health; Exposome; Endocrine disrupting chemicals; Bloodborne infections; Sexually transmitted infections; Omics; Big data; Community engaged research

Amie Hufton Hufton, Amie Clinical Associate Professor Epidemiology

Recovery strategies of minoritized populations affected by natural disasters; risk factors associated with adverse physical, mental and cognitive health in aging minoritized populations; costs and disparities associated with drowning and submersion injuries

Ayaz Hyder Hyder, Ayaz Associate Professor, Core Faculty, Translational Data Analytics Institute Environmental Health Sciences

Systems Science, Agent-Based Modeling, Birth Outcomes/Infant Mortality, Environmental Epidemiology, Air Pollution, Citizen Science, Opioid epidemic, Food insecurity, Smart Cities, Health Economics

Mira Katz, PhD Katz, Mira Professor Health Behavior and Health Promotion

Reducing cancer among different populations

Eben Kenah Kenah, Eben Associate Professor Biostatistics

Survival analysis, Epidemiologic methods, Stochastic processes, Phylogenetics and causal inference

Liz Klein, PhD, MPH Klein, Liz Chair and Professor Health Behavior and Health Promotion

Tobacco control; primary prevention of chronic disease; social determinants of health, Policy, systems and environmental change; primary prevention; public health evaluation

Thomas Knobloch Knobloch, Thomas Associate Professor – Practice Environmental Health Sciences

My research program includes several key interests:

  1. Characterizing malignant molecular progression of epithelial carcinogenesis in cancers associated with tobacco smoking, alcohol consumtion, and HPV infections (oral cancers, cervical cancers).
  2. The use of food-based interventions as implementable cancer risk-reduction strategies, with special emphasis on the bioactive phytochemicals present in black raspberries.
  3. The emerging role of bacterial cyanotoxins released during harmful algal blooms in the promotion of liver cancer in susceptible populations.
  4. Investigating the knowledge gap surrounding effective harm reduction and reducing cancer risk in firefighting personnel.

My work is fundamentally translational in nature and emphasizes the integrated participation of genomic (epigenetic, SNPs), transcriptional (expression signatures), metabolic (bioactive signaling cascades), and microbiomic (host-bacterial ecosystems) landscapes

Jiyoung Lee, PhD Lee, Jiyoung Chair and Professor, Co-Director, Ecology Epidemiology and Population Health Program, Infectious Disease Institute Environmental Health Sciences

Heath risks from cyanotoxin exposure (liver disease, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases); Impact of environmental exposure on microbiome & resistome; Cyanobacteria, cyanophage and toxin ecology; Water-food-climate nexus: Ecology of emerging infectious diseases; Sustainable intervention of pathogen and antimicrobial resistance spread; Wastewater-based epidemiology of COVID-19

Ashleigh LoVette in front of Thompson Library LoVette, Ashleigh Assistant Professor Health Behavior and Health Promotion

Resilience, Trauma, Healing, Community Engagement, Young People of Color, HIV Prevention, Violence Prevention, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Multi-level Interventions, Equity, Health Communication

Bo Lu, PhD Lu, Bo Professor Biostatistics

Causal inference, Observational study, Matched designs for complex data structure, Sensitivity analysis for unmeasured confounding, Bayesian Modeling for causal effects, Survey sampling methodology, Small area estimation, Large population survey analysis, Statistical methods for observational studies in population health, health outcome research and social sciences

Marian Moser Jones, PhD, MPH Moser Jones, Marian Associate Professor Health Services Management and Policy
  • History of Public Health in North America
  • Pandemics, Disasters, and other Public Health Crises
  • Nursing in War and Public Health Crises
  • Women's Health and Perinatal Health
  • Addressing Racism and Health Inequities
  • Methods: Archival Research, Oral History, Interviews
Julianna Nemeth Nemeth, Julianna Associate Professor Health Behavior and Health Promotion

Health Equity, Systems Implementation of Brain Injury Aware Trauma Informed Care, Vulnerable, Traumatized Populations (Sexual & Domestic Violence Survivors, Homeless Youth), Tobacco Control & Cessation, Intersection of Violence Exposure, Mental Health, Brain Injury & Substance Use, Community-Engaged Evaluation & Research

Andy Ni Ni, Andy Ai Assistant Professor Biostatistics

Causal inference with survival outcomes; Individualized treatment regimen estimation with survival outcomes; High-dimensional variable selection with survival outcomes; High-dimensional variable selection with measurement error; Two-stage sampling designs.

Abigail Turner, PhD Norris Turner, Abigail Associate Dean for Faculty and Inclusive Excellence, Professor Epidemiology, Administration
Alison Norris Norris, Alison Chair and Professor Epidemiology

sexual and reproductive health with a goal of preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and improving reproductive outcomes for women and men

James Odei Odei, James Clinical Associate Professor Biostatistics

Spatial, Temporal, and Spatio-Temporal Statistics, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling, Statistical Data Visualization, Infectious Diseases (HIV/AIDS, TB, etc.), Environmental Epidemiology, Statistical methods for observational studies in population health, health outcome research and social sciences, Behavioral Medicine and Psychology, Breast Cancer Prevention

Tasleem Padamsee, PhD Padamsee, Tasleem J. Associate Professor, Co-Director, Undergraduate Honors Program Health Services Management and Policy

Breast cancer prevention, Health disparities, U.S. health policy, Health care institutions, Women’s Health, Comparative health politics, HIV/AIDS Policy, Qualitative research methods, Comparative and historical research methods, Medical Sociology, Political Sociology, Feminist Theory

Efthimios Parasidis Parasidis, Efthimios Professor Health Services Management and Policy

Bioethics; Food Law; Health Law; Public Health

Parrott, Lynne Lecturer Health Services Management and Policy, Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Evaluation Studies
Electra D. Paskett, PhD Paskett, Electra Professor, Marion N. Rowley Chair in Cancer Research Epidemiology
Joanne Patterson Patterson, Joanne Assistant Professor Health Behavior and Health Promotion

Health Equity; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) Health; Social Determinants of Health; Cancer Prevention; Tobacco Prevention and Cessation; Tobacco Regulatory Science; Health Communications; Community Engaged Research; Implementation Science; Mixed Methods; Qualitative Methods

Michael Pennell Pennell, Michael Professor Biostatistics

Design and analysis of group randomized trials, first hitting time models for survival analysis, Bayesian nonparametrics, joint modeling, toxicological risk assessment

Laura Pomeroy Pomeroy, Laura Assistant Professor Environmental Health Sciences

Disease ecology, modeling infectious diseases, phylogenetics

Laura Prater Prater, Laura Assistant Professor Health Services Management and Policy
Purdin, Zeb Lecturer Health Services Management and Policy
Arbor Quist Quist, Arbor Assistant Professor Epidemiology

Environmental disasters, flooding, industrial pollution, odors, hydrogen sulfide, environmental justice, community-based participatory research, oil and gas extraction, industrial animal operations

Paul Reiter Reiter, Paul Professor Health Behavior and Health Promotion

Colorectal Cancer, Cancer, Uterine Cervical Cancer, Anus Cancer, Papillomavirus Infections, Mouth Cancer, Condylomata Acuminata, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome

Grzegorz Rempala Rempala, Grzegorz A. Professor Biostatistics

Complex Stochastic Systems Theory, Molecular Biosystems Modeling, Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Epidemiology and in Genomics

JaNelle Ricks Ricks, JaNelle Associate Professor Health Behavior and Health Promotion

sexual and reproductive health, STI/HIV prevention, reproductive justice, contraceptive use, health equity, social determinants, sexual and gender minority health, racial/ethnic minority health, adolescent health

Julie Robbins, PhD Robbins, Julie Clinical Professor Health Services Management and Policy

best practices for improving quality in healthcare delivery, including:  electronic health record implementation, patient safety, and strategic human resource management

Megan E. Roberts, PhD Roberts, Megan Associate Professor Health Behavior and Health Promotion

tobacco use, adolescents and young adults, health disparities

Paul Rosile, PhD, MPH, REHS Rosile, Paul Associate Professor of Public Health Practice Environmental Health Sciences

The association of environmental pesticides with autism and birth outcomes; the relationship between outdoor bioaerosols and mental health; human nutrition and health.

Kelly J. Scheiderer Scheiderer, Kelly J. Clinical Assistant Professor of Practice, Program Director, Master of Health Administration Health Services Management and Policy
Patrick Schnell, PhD Schnell, Patrick Associate Professor Biostatistics

Bayesian hierarchical models, linear mixed effects models, clinical trials, causal inference, subgroup analysis, principal stratification, spatial data, infectious disease epidemiology

Fernanda Schumacher Schumacher, Fernanda Assistant Professor Biostatistics
  •  Censored regression models
  • Linear and nonlinear mixed-effects models
  • Longitudinal models
  • Missing data analysis
  • Multiple sclerosis disease
  • Robust models
  • Skew-elliptical/elliptical distributions
  • Variable selection for mixed models 
Shawnita Sealy-Jefferson, PhD, MPH Sealy-Jefferson, Shawnita Associate Professor Epidemiology

Reproductive Justice, social epidemiology, adverse birth and maternal outcomes, Black/African American families and communities

Eric Seiber Seiber, Eric Professor; Director of the Center for HOPES Health Services Management and Policy, Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Evaluation Studies
Abigail Shoben, PhD Shoben, Abigail B. Associate Professor Biostatistics

Group sequential methods, longitudinal data, epidemiologic applications, clinical trials

Parvati Singh Singh, Parvati Assistant Professor Epidemiology Psychiatric Epidemiology, Racial Disparities, Maternal and Child Health
Min-Ae Song Song, Min-Ae Assistant Professor, Co-Director, Undergraduate Honors Program Environmental Health Sciences

Epigenetics, Biomarkers of Exposure, Biomarkers of effects, Cancer Risk Factors, Gene-Environment Interactions, Molecular Epidemiology, Tobacco, Cancer Prevention, Cancer, Molecular Carcinogenesis, and Multi-Omics Data

Laura Stillion Stillion, Laura Lecturer Health Services Management and Policy
Andrew Wapner Wapner, Andrew Clinical Associate Professor, Director, Master of Public Health Program for Experienced Professionals Health Services Management and Policy, Center for Public Health Practice

Population health planning through integration of health care and public health, with a focus on social and physical environments and their impact on health status

Mark Weir Weir, Mark Associate Professor, Core Faculty, Ohio State Sustainability Institute Environmental Health Sciences
  1. Building water systems and healthy indoor spaces
  2. Sustainability and risk assessment
  3. Risk analysis methodology
  4. Cumulative risk assessment
  5. Water treatment and wastewater reuse
Jeffrey Wing Wing, Jeffrey J. Assistant Professor Epidemiology

Cerebrovascular disease; health disparties; prognostic models; epidemiologic methods

Jaime Wu Wu, Jianyong Assistant Professor Environmental Health Sciences

Environmental Health, Spatial Epidemiology, Green Space, Mental Health, Autism, Infectious Disease, GIS, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing

Wendy Xu Xu, Yi (Wendy) Associate Professor; Joint Appointment, College of Public Affairs Health Services Management and Policy

Health care access barriers and financial burdens for vulnerable populations

Ruqaiijah Yearby Yearby, Ruqaiijah Professor, Kara J. Scott Professor in Health Law Health Services Management and Policy

Bioethics; Health Care Law; Health Care Regulation; Health Justice; Public Health Law; Structural and Social Determinants of Health

Karla Zadnik Zadnik, Karla Interim Dean, College of Public Health, Interim Associate Dean of Research Administration
Yuzi Zhang Zhang, Yuzi Assistant Professor Biostatistics

Statistical Methodology

• Environmental epidemiology

• Capture-recapture methods for disease surveillance

• Bayesian methods

• Spatial-temporal modeling


• Infectious disease

• Alzheimer’s disease

• Preterm birth